Hunter HydraWise Smart Irrigation Controller


6-Zone controller, includes installation & setup.
Additional zones higher.

Retrofit an existing Hunter Pro-C controller (2014 or later) for just $286

As technology continues to improve with our smartphones, interactive devices and vehicles, so does the way we water our lawns and gardens. The introduction of WiFi enabled irrigation system controllers has revolutionized the way we water our landscapes.

Smart irrigation system controllers can be monitored, programmed and updated remotely from a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. You can even ask Alexa to water your lawn. And they have real benefits and savings:

Save Water

WiFi connected irrigation controllers allow you to use real time hyper-local weather data to ensure that you are not over- or under-watering your landscape. By using real time weather data to adjust your irrigation system to actual conditions, you can use up to 50% less water.

Save Money

The use of a WiFi enabled irrigation controller allows your irrigation service technician to receive alerts from your system on electrical issues or potential leaks before damage occurs to lawn and plant material—or your water bill skyrockets.

Save Time

A WiFi connected controller allows your irrigation service technician access via a smartphone or tablet. This means you no longer have to wait on the irrigation repair technician to grant them access if your controller in your garage or basement.

As the price and demand for water continues to increase, we must be good stewards of this natural resource. Replacing the analog irrigation controller in your home irrigation system with a smart controller is one way to reduce your water use and still have a beautiful landscape.

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