Growing Tomorrow's Horticulturists
Merideth Story talks to kids at Guilford Elementary on November 25, 2013.
Merideth Story, New Garden Landscaping & Nursery’s Flower Program manager, recently spoke to several classes at Guilford Elementary School about being a horticulturist.
The kids were very interested and asked lots of good questions about what she does daily. They were fascinated by the idea of planting trees and flowers, but the revelation that occasionally one encounters snakes while landscaping drew gasps and squeals. Lots of kids were surprised that there were plants that could be planted in cold weather.
The kids loved looking at a garden design plan that Merideth brought as she described how much she enjoys helping people make their yards an enjoyable place to hang out and play in. Math, science and art helped her be good at her job, she told the students.
Perhaps you’ll find one of these budding horticulturists working at New Garden in 2028!